The Conciliation Dispute of Private Organization: Case Study on the Dispute Resolution Act 2019

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ภัทราวรรณ เกตุลักษณ์
Thanee Vorapatr


This independent study aims to study concepts, theories, and the law of the conciliation dispute of private organization in Thailand and abroad including analyzing Thai and foreign Law. It is a documentary research study from academic articles, thesis, independent study and related books.

From the study, the conciliation dispute in Thailand has a law that is the central law for the power and methods of conciliation dispute is The Dispute Resolution Act 2019. But this Act does not facilitate the authorization of the private organization to participate in the enforcement of this law because it does not provide for the power of the private organization. In addition, the time limit for the civil conciliation dispute and the settlement of disputes is not clearly defined and unable to apply by motion to the court for an immediate enforcement order.

The researcher, therefore, suggested to amending the provisions of the powers and authority of the conciliation dispute of private organizations in The Dispute Resolution Act 2019. By stipulating that the power of the private organization participates in dispute resolution proceedings to register with the Registrar for permission to act in the conciliation dispute and to use the provisions in the said law as a government agency. Including determining the time for conciliation dispute to be completed only for the petty case and allow the parties to apply by motion to the court for the court enforce to the dispute settlement agreement to effected as a judgment.

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How to Cite
เกตุลักษณ์ ภ., & Vorapatr, T. (2021). The Conciliation Dispute of Private Organization: Case Study on the Dispute Resolution Act 2019. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 6(1), 225–241. Retrieved from
Research Aticle


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