Discrimination of person with a prison background in case of government career application.

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พิทักษ์ ศศิสุวรรณ


In present, once a person spent time in prison, even when the sentence is  completed. Such person would be prohibited from government jobs application. There were 2 related cases as follows;

  1. Ineligibility regarding prison background (Not yet applied for clean slate law).

  2. Ineligibility regarding, first, unacceptable immorality and behavior other than criminal offences, second, unacceptable immorality and behavior because of an imprisonment background (Clean slate law applicable but this ineligibility was not removed altogether according to supreme administrative court precedence อ.2099/2559).

      Considering constitutional human rights, when a person commits a crime and complete the penalty. Such person should not be stigmatized by the already repented offences. If Capital punishment of jail time purpose was to redeem a person. But when such person spent full time in prison an has been restored back to the society, public career was prohibited from them because of the imprisonment background. Such limitation will prevented a person to be completely integrated back to the society as an upstanding citizen.

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How to Cite
ศศิสุวรรณ พ. (2022). Discrimination of person with a prison background in case of government career application. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 6(2), 105–125. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/lawcrru/article/view/255034
Academic Articles


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