The Probative Value of Forensic Evidence in Rape Cases

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Jugkrit Vorawee
Supachai Supaluknari


The purpose of this article is to study the types of scientific evidence in rape cases, Admissibility of Evidence, Issues affecting the value and credibility of scientific evidence in rape cases and and to study the guidelines for building credibility of forensic evidence in the criminal justice process. Currently, forensic science and forensic evidence are increasingly used in the criminal justice process. The probative value of forensic evidence is widely recognized among the legal personnel and the public.  The forensic evidence is well accepted as a legal proving standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt” leading to confidence in the criminal justice system.  The forensic evidence recognized as having probative value in rape cases includes DNA typing, latent fingerprints, and wound examination.  However, there are several factors that affect the reliability of scientific evidence in fact findings of rape cases.  These factors are as follows: 1) the process of collection of physical evidence, and the custody of evidence prior to laboratory examination 2) the expertise of medical examiner 3) the report of medical examination 4) the status and qualification of the expert giving the testimony 5) the standard practice of examination laboratory 6) the lack of forensic evidence database 7) the competency of forensic evidence users 8) the cost of evidence collection and the examination of forensic evidence which must be considered in making guidelines for building credibility of forensic evidence in the criminal justice process.

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How to Cite
Vorawee, J., & Supaluknari, S. (2023). The Probative Value of Forensic Evidence in Rape Cases. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 7(1), 131–149. Retrieved from
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