The Settlement and Expansion of Communities Along The Active Fault in Chiang Rai Province

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Petsawat Kankam
Tosapon Koschasan
Ittipat Ruangkitwat
Sasiphat Harnrit


            This survey research had 2 objectives 1) create a database of settlement in the area along the active fault line in Chiang Rai Province. Data collection by geo-informatics with field data collection and GPS. 2) Analysis of urban expansion from documents, publications, media, with geo-informatics technology and observations from field surveys.

            The results showed that community settlements along the active fault in Chiang Rai Province, with a total of 224 communities spread out in 43 sub-districts and 12 districts. where community settlements are found the most is Mae Ing Fault 97 communities, followed by Mae Chan Fault 46 communities, Phayao Fault 43 communities, Mae Lao Fault 35 communities, and Mae Tha Fault 3 communities respectively. Most communities settle in the plains that extend along the mountain range, while districts that do not have active fault lines, such as Wiang Chai District Phaya Mengrai District Wiang Chiang Rung District, Pa Daet District, Mae Sai District and Mae Fah Luang District.

            The urban expansion with respect to time were expansion of public health, education and building government offices. The urban is concentrated only in the central areas and expand continuously to border areas, the important factors are physical factors, political factor, economic factors, social factor, policy and plan including expansion of the community. The trend of urban expansion found that the tendency of the community to become urban community continously growing in the form of distribution from the center to the outer areas. The land-use change and following issues such as garbage, labor and drugs.

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How to Cite
Kankam, P., Koschasan, T., Ruangkitwat, I., & Harnrit, H. (2023). The Settlement and Expansion of Communities Along The Active Fault in Chiang Rai Province. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 7(1), 271–287. Retrieved from
Research Aticle


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