Legal Problems Concerning the Enforcement of Speed Limit of Cars on the Road Traffic Act, B.E. 2522

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Korakot Rotchanabunthueng


            The purposes of this thesis are to study (1) the background and legal problems concerning the enforcement of speed limit of cars on the Road Traffic Act B.E. 2522 (2) the regulations and theories related to law enforcement under the Road Traffic Act B.E. 2522 (3) the statistics of accidents caused by high-speed driving vehicles. (4) analyze and compare the measurement of law related to car speed in Thailand and foreign country. (5) the principle of the vehicle speed to suit the current traffic conditions. The study reveals that the legal problems of car speed regulation under the Road Traffic Act B.E. 2522 in Thailand has been enforced for more than forty years. Therefore, a legislative amendment should be done to suit the current traffic conditions. Moreover, there should be a time limit for the traffic officer to inform the registrar about the amount of fines and evidence and there should be an increase in the registrar's remuneration received from the operation proceeding. In addition, there should be an increase in the penalties under the Road Traffic Act B.E. 2522 in order to enforce the law in a fair manner for explicit and comprehensive measures that can help prevent accidents on the road effectively. Due to Thailand's tendency of accidents continuously increase as the driver of the vehicle lacks of discipline and disrespectful to the law especially not respecting to traffic law. In addition, Thailand does not have the measures and enforcement of traffic laws unlike many countries that have standardized traffic management which is a systematic and organized management.

Therefore, in this thesis, the researcher has suggestions that the maximum speed should be increased in the Ministerial Regulation No. 10 (B.E. 2524) under the Road Traffic Act B.E. 2522 so that the maximum speed can be increased to 100 kilometers per hour to be suitable for traffic condition nowadays. There should be a time limit for the traffic officer to notify the registrar of the amount of fines and evidence within 14 days and consider increasing the registrar's remuneration from the operation proceedings in Section 141/1 (2) (a) under the Road Traffic Act B.E. 2522 at a rate of twenty percent. Also, there should be an amendment of the penalties to be adjusted in a hierarchical order to effectively suspend and prevent the problem of road accidents in Thailand.

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How to Cite
Rotchanabunthueng, K. (2023). Legal Problems Concerning the Enforcement of Speed Limit of Cars on the Road Traffic Act, B.E. 2522 . CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 7(1), 187–202. Retrieved from
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