Community Management to Support Tourism in Muang Yai Subdistrict Municipality Area Wiang Kaen District, Chiang Rai Province

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Simintraporn Surin
Wachirawit Worachitsanuphong
Yutasat Norkeaw


            The study on Community management to support tourism in Muang Yai, Subdistrict Municipality Area Wiang Kaen District, Chiang Rai Province. The objectives of this study were 1) to analyze the potential of communities to promote tourism in the area of Muang Yai Subdistrict Municipality. Wiang Kaen District Chiang Rai Province and 2) to study the innovation of community management to promote tourism in Muang Yai Subdistrict Municipality Area Wiang Kaen District Chiang Rai Province.The results of the study found that the highlight was Muang Yai Subdistrict Municipality. There is a clear manpower framework structure. Covering the duties and responsibilities according to the mission and can be adjusted according to the mission that has been transferred And in such areas, there are social capital that exists in the community to develop as a selling point and attract more tourists to stay in the area, such as Kaeng Kon Kham, Kaeng Pha Dai, Ancient Dong City, Wiang Kaen, etc.

Community management to promote tourism in Muang Yai Municipality area is as follows: (1) collecting basic information of the community (2) organizing community activities or organizing small group discussions (3) searching for people in the community who are Interested in doing activities to conserve and improve buildings in the community. (4) Search for tourist attractions in the community that have potential to conserve and improve buildings. Tourism (6) Establishment of a community management committee for tourism (7) Health safety guidelines (8) Making a tourism map in the community (9) Monitoring and evaluation in addition, Muang Yai Subdistrict Municipality Community management principles have been applied to the area. Strategic planning has been arranged to develop the area to support tourism further.

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How to Cite
surin, simintraporn, Worachitsanuphong, W., & Norkeaw, Y. (2023). Community Management to Support Tourism in Muang Yai Subdistrict Municipality Area Wiang Kaen District, Chiang Rai Province. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 7(1), 247–269. Retrieved from
Research Aticle


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