Laws regarding harassment in educational institutions: A case study of Chiang Mai University.

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Pimpa Suthangoen


            Sexual harassment can happen to anyone, anywhere, including in the education institutions. Therefore, educational institutions should have measures to deal with sexual harassment. And so, I took it upon myself to study the Chiang Mai University Regulations on Personnel Management B.E. 2010 and the Disciplinary Regulations and Student Disciplinary Actions B.E. 2021 with sexual harassment in schools. Studies have shown that neither regulation has clearly provided a definition or nature of the offense. When an offense occurs, it requires interpretation or discretion from the board of directors. This has the potential for abuse of the patronage system. In order to solve the problem, the author therefore proposes that a proper definition is created. This would provide knowledge and understanding of such prohibitions and also reduce the discretion of the authority. It would also help everyone to be aware of their rights and duties to not commit an offense that violates the rights and liberties of others. This is to help reduce sexual harassment in educational institutions and to enable students to live happily and safely in university.

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How to Cite
Suthangoen, P. (2023). Laws regarding harassment in educational institutions: A case study of Chiang Mai University. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 7(1), 203–220. Retrieved from
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