Credit risk assessment of Thailand’s State-Owned Enterprises with the correlation of creditworthiness levels and debt repayment capacity.

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Patima Pakpong
Thana Sompornserm
Saksit Budsayaplakorn
Rewat Thamma-Apiroam


The purposes of this research were to apply the results of the study of the relationship of creditworthiness levels and debt repayment capacity to credit risk assessment of Thailand’s state-owned enterprise (SOEs). The demographics were used Thailand’s SOEs that incurred debts recovered from Thailand’s Ministry of Finance (MOF) guaranties and on-lending loans from MOF in 2010-2021. This research was conducted a sequence of integrated research to collect quantitative and qualitative data accompanied by interviews with agencies involved in the credibility of SOEs. The statistics used to analyze data including percentages, averages and hypotheses tested by Logistic regression analysis (LOGIT).

This research determines indicators and weight values from the average of the Credit Rating Agency's indicators and weight values, related research and finds coefficients to determine risk’s weight value of each side of the risk by application from the Production function’s Cobb-Douglas. The results showed that indicators and weights to obtain creditworthiness levels include 1) Business risk (40%) 2) Financial risk (40%) and 3) Macro risk (20%). The debt repayment capacity measured by the Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR). The results of the correlation findings showed that a probability level of CS and DSCR is 0.0000 indicates that are statistically significantly related. The coefficient value is -0.290665, which represents the relationship between two variables are very interrelated and correlated in opposite directions. The variable of the response variable (R-Squared) is 0.526985, which represents an independent variable. The research can explain variations in variable values as they are distributed around the mean and reflects the possibility of default (PD) of SOEs to apply credit risk management.

The results of this research can be applied as a credit risk assessment tool both of internal-external factors and risk of guarantees debt and on-lending debt. Also, can be used as a policy recommendation and guideline for improving guidelines, regulations and laws relating to the determination of rates, fees, guarantees and on-lending as well as being able to serve as a guideline for the development and efficiency of the operation of SOEs to more modern and concrete.

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How to Cite
Pakpong, P., Sompornserm, T., Budsayaplakorn, S., & Thamma-Apiroam, R. (2023). Credit risk assessment of Thailand’s State-Owned Enterprises with the correlation of creditworthiness levels and debt repayment capacity. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 7(2), 133–151. Retrieved from
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