The hidden empowerment of Hmong women: nonagricultural occupation groups.

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Adisorn Pusara


            This research was qualitative research to build grounded theory, purposed to explanation of transitional process occupation of Hmong women to nonagricultural occupation outside and hidden empowerment to find conclusion of grounded theory.14 selection of Hmong women as theoretical meaning contributor tracing from marital status or widow had nonagricultural occupation outside Hmong community, Houihan village, Wiengkean district, Chiangrai province. Research instrument was interviewed forms, information analysis used 3 steps were open coding, axial coding and selection coding to build theory conclusion.

            The result could build conclusion of grounded theory as follows: 1.Transition process to nonagricultural occupation of Hmong women starting from 1) decreasing of highland agricultural areas from state policy and problem of agricultural products price 2) education opportunity 3) perception of social media information and 4) doing business with relative in foreign countries,2. nonagricultural occupation of Hmong women had stability and certain income and Hmong women still provide balance between occupation and did housework following Hmong’s frame, 3.empowerment of Hmong women had origin from entered to public space, perception information of women’s right and changed position to the main earning for the family, want to participate, life control and manage resource within family 4.power of Hmong women was hidden empowerment in twilight zone from patriarchy and may not be equal as man empowerment.

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How to Cite
Pusara, A. (2023). The hidden empowerment of Hmong women: nonagricultural occupation groups. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 7(2), 153–167. Retrieved from
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