The Right to Inheritance of an Illegitimate Father

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Umaporn Aeso
Arjaree Me-intarakerd Meesidth
Pawinee Praithong


This research has the following objectives: (1) To study the concepts, theories, and fundamental principles regarding the inheritance right of illegitimate fathers. (2) To identify legal principles regarding the inheritance right of illegitimate fathers under Thai and foreign laws. (3) To investigate and analyze legal issues on inheritance of illegitimate fathers. (4) To examine and propose modifications to the provisions of the Civil and Commercial Code on Inheritance regulating the inheritance rights of illegitimate fathers. The research utilized a qualitative study method and was conducted using documentary. According to the study, the findings indicated as follows: (1) The right of inheritance is an important principle due to the assets of the deceased will pass on to the heirs whose father is the second legal heir and has the right to inherit. However, a legitimate father is required to inherit the inheritance. Consequently, the illegitimate father has no right to inherit, which would be unfair to such fathers. (2) Although Thailand has legislated the law for the father to inherit the child's inheritance, only the legitimate father has this right; an illegitimate father fails to receive it. According to the study, the Swiss Confederation, Japan, and the United States of America have not enacted legislation allowing illegitimate fathers to inherit their children the United Kingdom have enacted legislation allowing illegitimate fathers to inherit their children. (3) It has been found that Thailand still executes several unjust laws against illegitimate fathers. (4) In order to be appropriate and equitable, deem advisable to modify the provisions of the Civil and Commercial Code so that illegitimate fathers have the right of inheritance.

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How to Cite
Aeso, U., Me-intarakerd Meesidth, A., & Praithong, P. (2024). The Right to Inheritance of an Illegitimate Father. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 8(1), 178–202. retrieved from
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