English and Inferiority Complex among Legal Professionals In Thailand.


  • Santhira Morgan -


Inferiority complex among Lawyers, Competency in English, English for Specific Purposes.


Most law professionals in Thailand suffer from inferiority complex due to their lack of competency in the English language. They feel insecure and fearful to speak in English. They even feel threatened that they might face competition and might lose to English speakers. This paper uses the data collected through quantitative research done by a master’s student, titled, ‘Perception of English language Problems and Need in Thai Lawyers.’  While the paper analyses the problems and needs, this paper takes the same data provided to justify the claim that most laws professionals in Thailand suffer from inferiority complex, through qualitative data analysis. It was found that inferiority complex among Thai lawyer is real when it comes to the English language and proposes English for Specific Purposes (ESP) as a solution, something the master’s student herself proposes.


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