The development learning activities Using Open Approach and Infographic Media to Develop Mathematics Communication Skill on Data Presentation for Grade Six Students
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The purposes of this research were; 1) to create and find the effectiveness index of learning by using the open approach and infographic media on data presentation, 2) to compare the mathematics communication skill, before and after using the open approach and infographic media on data presentation, and 3) to study the satisfaction of the students with learning by using the open approach and infographic media on data presentation. The purposive samples in the study were 30 of grade six students at Bannongkhaw School, Phichit. The study was conducted by 1) the five lesson plans of using the open approach and infographic media on data presentation, 2) the mathematics communication skill test, and 3) the satisfaction questionnaire. The data were analyzed by means, standard deviation, and t-test dependent sample. the result found that 1) there were 4 steps of using the open approach and infographic media on data presentation: presenting the problem on infographic media, learning and solving the problem, debating and comparing the ideas, and summarizing and connecting the ideas, and the effectiveness index was 0.5905 2) after using the open approach and infographic media on data presentation, the post-test of mathematics communication skill was higher than the pre-test with statistical significance at .05 and 3) the satisfaction of students about learning by using the open approach and infographic media was at the high level.
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