A Combined Marketing Affecting a Decision to Seek a Small Credit from Kasikornthai Bank in Ubon Ratchathani Province
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The research aimed 1) to study the significance of a combined marketing that affected a decision to ask for a small credit from Kasikornthai Bank, 2) to investigate the significance of a decision to do the same, and 3) to compare the factors that affected a decision to seek a credit from the bank in question as classified by sex, age, educational levels, marital status and monthly incomes. The samples used in the study were the users of the small credit from Kasikornthai bank. The sample groups were set by Krejcie and Morgan’s table, numbering 367. The research instrument was a five-rating scale questionnaire having a total confidence value equivalent to .92. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, multiple regression analysis, t-test and F-test.
The research findings were as follows.
The significance of the combined marketing 7P’s in deciding to seek a small credit from the bank under study was overall at a high level, averaging 4.27. The aspects could be arranged in a descending order as follows: physical features 4.42, followed by distribution channels averaging 4.36, process averaging 4.34, price averaging 4.31, products averaging 4.24, marketing promotions averaging 4.21, and staff averaging 4.03.
The factors that affected a decision to seek a small credit from the bank under study were at a high level (4.35). Independent variables were predictors of the decision to seek a credit from the bank. The variables in question were products, physical setting, and process. These variables were associated with dependent ones with statistical significance at .01. The three variables could predict the customer’s decision to seek a small credit by 92.60, while the remaining percentage came from other variables.
A comparative analysis of the mixed marketing factors as classified by the personal factors found that the customers who were different in age, education, marital status were overall not different in their opinions. The customers who had different monthly incomes were no different in overall aspects. However, they were different in individual aspects in terms of products at a statistical significance of .01. Other aspects showed no difference.
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