Digital Leadership of School Administrators Affecting Educational Innovative organizations Under Secondary Educational Service Area Office Phatthalung
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This research aims to 1) study The Digital Leadership of Administrators that Affects Being An Innovative Organization of Educational Institutions Under the Phatthalung Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2) to study being an innovative organization of educational institutions Under the Phatthalung Secondary Educational Service Area Office 3) to compare The Digital Leadership of Administrators that Affects Being An Innovative Organization of Educational Institutions Under the Phatthalung Secondary Educational Service Area Office classified by variables: gender, position, work experience, and educational institution sizes 4) to study the digital leadership of administrators that affects being an innovative organization of educational institutions Under the Phatthalung Secondary Educational Service Area Office 5) to study the promotion guidelines of digital leadership that affects being an innovative organization of educational institutions Under the Phatthalung Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The research samples were school administrator, deputy school administrators and government teachers under the Phatthalung Secondary Educational Service Area Office, academic year 2023, totaling 269 people. Statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, analysis of variance, hypothesis testing, Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression.
The research results revealed that
- Results of the study of digital leadership of administrators that affect being an innovative organization of educational institutions under the Phatthalung Secondary Educational Service Area Office, both in holistic and individual aspects, was at the highest level. When considering individual aspects, it was found that every aspect got the highest level. The digital leadership variable of administrator about ethics in the use of information technology has the highest average, followed by having a digital vision, promoting the use of technology in teaching and learning and information management got the lowest level.
- Results of the study of digital leadership of administrators that affect being an innovative organization of educational institutions under the Phatthalung Secondary Educational Service Area Office, both in holistic and individual aspects, was at high level. When considering individual aspects, it was found that every aspect got the highest level. The variable of being an innovative organization of educational institutions Under the Phatthalung Secondary Educational Service Area Office, the appropriate organizational structure had the highest average, followed by personnel development towards excellence, followed by shared vision. Inspection and evaluation Positive communication and the creative thinking aspect got the lowest level.
- Comparison results of digital leadership of administrators that affect being an innovative organization of educational institutions under the Phatthalung Secondary Educational Service Area Office classified by the different variables such as gender, position, work experience, and educational institution sizes.
- digital leadership of administrators that affect being an innovative organization of educational institutions under the Phatthalung Secondary Educational Service Area Office, in holistic was at high level. When considering individual aspects, there was a positive relationship at a very high level with statistically significant at the .01 and a correlation coefficient was (r= .887**). For the digital leadership of administrators in all 4 aspects and being an innovative organization of educational institutions in 6 aspects, there was a strong relationship with statistically significant at the .01.
- The promotion guidelines of Digital leadership of administrators that affect being an innovative organization of educational institutions under the Phatthalung Secondary Educational Service Area Office each aspect can be discussed as follows. From interviews administrator, it was found that administrator placed great importance on administrative knowledge and understanding of innovation as their first priority and drove the innovation organization of educational institutions must begin with the leaders first. Administrator must have a vision for creating and developing innovation, always keep up with the changes according to 6 elements to move the educational institution to be an innovative organization such
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