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This quantitative research aims to investigate the interaction of the components of educational leadership and school effectiveness in Catholic schools, Diocese of Ubon Ratchathani. Accordingly, the questionnaires were used in collecting 240 respondents of the samples from administrators and teachers. The data was analyzed by multi-regression analysis. The findings indicated that the components of educational leadership such as teacher professional development, learning process development, mission and supervision and evaluation influenced significantly to school effectiveness at Beta = .35, .23, .18 and .16, t = 3.64, 2.52, 2.87 and 2.22 (Sig .000, .012, .004 and .027), respectively. Moreover, these four components of educational leadership influenced significantly and simultaneously to school effectiveness at R2 = .78, Std. error = .33, F = 217.97 (Sig .000) and Durbin-Watson =1.75. The implication of this research identified that school effectiveness of Catholic schools depends on the different practice of each components of educational leadership.
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