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Jitlada Wattanasil
Sompong Raksatham
Werayut Chatakan


                The objectives of this research are 1) to evaluate the context of the Open Your World, Create a Professional Path for Underprivileged Children project. 2) To assess the input factors to the Open Your World, Create a Professional Path for Underprivileged Children project.  3) To evaluate the process of operating the Open Your World, Create a Professional Path project. Career paths for underprivileged children 4) To evaluate the productivity of the project to open the world and create career paths for underprivileged children at Rajaprajanukhro School 19 Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. The sample group used in the research consisted of 1 school director, 3 school deputy directors, 12 vocational learning subject teachers, 13 school board members, and community leaders, and 13 secondary school students. 1 - 6, number of 36 people, totaling 65 people, were obtained by random sampling (Purposive Sampling). The tools used in this research were a structured interview (Structured Interview) and a questionnaire, a rating scale (Rating Scale) Data were analyzed using the following statistics: percentage (Percentage), mean (Mean), standard deviation (Standard Deviation), and principles of content analysis.

               The research results found that.

                 Results of the evaluation of the Open the World Project, creating professional paths for underprivileged children. Overall, it is at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that 1) the context aspect was at the highest level, and when considering each item, it was found that the item with the highest average value was the school wants to develop students to have the required characteristics. Second is that the objectives of the project are consistent with the policy of the school, the aims of the curriculum, and the item with the least average value the objectives of the project are consistent with the Act. National Education Act 1999 and the amended version (No. 2) 2002 and related agencies. 2) The input factors of the project are at a high level. When considering each item, it was found that the media, documents, and equipment were sufficient has the most average second is that the number of personnel in organizing the activity is appropriate. and appropriate locations for activities and the item with the least average value the project's goal setting is appropriate.   3) The project's operational process is at a high level. When considering each item, it was found that a committee meeting was held to plan operations. The second is to determine the appropriate roles and responsibilities of those involved. has the most average and the item with the least average value is the Assignment of workers and 4) the output of the project at a high level when considering each item separately, it was found that the item with the highest average value was students have basic knowledge and skills in management. Good attitude, ready to continue studying at a higher level Secondly, vocational skills training helps create work experience and creates creativity. and the item with the lowest average value is Professional skills training helps to discover new knowledge and things.

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