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The objectives of this research were three-fold: (1) to study Social Studies teaching management according to the Yonisomanasikan principle of the Third Primary Students at Watmaitrasamachigaram School in Phranakhon Sri Ayutthaya Province; (2) to develop lessons of Social Studies teaching management according to the Yonisomasikan principle of the Third Primary Students at Watmaitrasamachigaram School in Phranakhon
Sri Ayutthaya Province; and (3) to give suggestions on Social Studies teaching management according to the Yonisomanasikan Principle of the Third Primary Students at Watmaitrasamachigaram School in Phranakhon Sri Ayutthaya Province. The research used the One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design.
The samples, totalling 18, were obtained by purposive sampling from the Third Primary Students at Watmaitrasamachigaram School. The research tools comprised
a learning management plan for Social Studies teaching management according to Yonisomanasikan, and achievement tests of pre-learning and post-learning by using Multiple-choice Answer: A. B. C. D. options, 30 items.
Major Findings:
- On Social Studies teaching management according to the Yonisomanasikan principle, it was found the students could well understand the content according to Yonisomanasikan principles and positively reacted in learning and could answer questions which the teacher asked correctly. Learners had a complete understanding of the content of learning management according to the Yonisomanasikara Principles. Learners could answer problems correctly and were able think correctly based on systematic information through linking, interpreting, and analysing the guven information.
- On the lesson development for social studies teaching according to the Yonisomanasikan Principle, it was found that the post-test scores were higher than before, with statistical significance at the .05 level, according to the hypothesis, and the same results were found in each of the four aspects.
- The suggestions for teaching social studies according to the Yonisomanasikan principle, there should be a systematic planning process in three (3) steps: (1) the induction stage to create a good attitude towards teachers, the learning methods and lessons according to the Yonisamaasikara principle, (2) the teaching and learning stage presenting the organization of teaching and learning activities according to the Yonisamaasikara principle, and (3) At the conclusion stage, the students developed the skills in decision making and problem-solving to be applied to daily life. The students were able to differentiate the concept of true value against pseudo value according to the Yonisomanasikara principles. Most of the students' behavior changed in a positive direction. More than 80 percent of all students have increased their learning achievement.
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