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Jinwalan Phumkhonsan
Panithan Wannawan
Pennapa Sukserm


The purpose of this study was specified follow by the below 1) for study the level of ethical leadership of school administrators under the Chaiyaphum Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. 2) Compare Ethical leadership level of school administrators Classified by school size under the Office of Chaiyaphum Primary Educational Service Area office 2. 3) 3) Study the recommendations for the development of ethical leadership of school administrators under the Office of Chaiyaphum Primary Educational Service Area office 2.  The research sample consisted of 291 teachers in schools under the Chaiyaphum Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 obtained by stratified random sampling. The sample size was determined based on the Krejcie and Morgan’s Sample Size Table. The key research informants who were interviewed were five experts on school administration and educational personnel development. The employed research instruments were a rating scale questionnaire concerning ethical leadership of school administrator, with reliability coefficient of .967, and a structured interview form. Statistics for analysis of quantitative data were the frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation; while data obtained from the interviews were analyzed with content analysis. The result of research show that Ethical leadership of school administrators under the Chaiyaphum Primary Education Service Area Office 2, Overall image in term of every aspect is Good Consider in any aspect. The results of the analysis of research results Compare the opinions of school administrators on ethical leadership. Under the staff of Chaiyaphum Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, classified by size of school, Overall image in term of every aspect no statistically significant difference. school administrators should have determination, dedication, and sacrifice in performing official duties regularly. Do not take advantage of official time to pursue personal interests. Executives should diligently study and acquire knowledge. Look for ways to develop work for the better. Act with an impartial mind, without bias, giving equal and consistent importance to subordinates. Should give independence or create options to subordinates or coworkers in working equally.

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