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Thanyarat Thanawataphichatchot


Subject research The Counselling Model by Buddhist Psychology for Correction and Rehabilitation to Juvenile Offenders. The objectives of this study were 1) to study the factors related to juvenile offenders, 2) to study the integrated counseling process according to Buddhist psychology for correction, treatment and rehabilitation for juvenile offenders, and 3) to develop the counseling process. Integrated counseling based on Buddhist Psychology for correction, therapy, rehabilitation for juvenile offenders. 4) to present the counseling process. Integrated counseling based on Buddhist Psychology for correction, therapy, rehabilitation for juvenile offenders. which the researcher collects, compiles and synthesizes from the study of related documents and conducting in-depth interviews with key informants Expert subgroup discussion consisting of experts in Buddhism The research results found that: 1. Factors related to juvenile offenders include the state of juvenile delinquency problems Families that are neglected, broken up, well taught, or that good mental health starts at home. crowded environment with the values of the living environment training and little education The causes of the problems 2. An integrated counseling process based on Buddhist psychology to correct, treat, and rehabilitate children and youth offenders. The development of juvenile rehabilitation and rehabilitation should require a clear development and operational policy of the Juvenile and Family Court in order to unify special measures. Suitable children and youth Practitioner situation Work related to children and young people identifies the main obstacles to the protection of children's rights and delinquent youth Selection of knowledgeable consultants understanding of children and youth rights

  1. Present a model of Buddhist psychology in the treatment and rehabilitation of delinquent children and youth. Step 1: Study the history of children. Knowing the real problems of children, Step 2: Counseling children, Step 3: Asking for cooperation from various parties, Step 4: Monitoring and refining, Step 5: Supporting education and careers according to interests and aptitudes and Step 6: Evaluation.

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Research Articles


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