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Suthine chusuwan
Rattaporn Klinmalee
Werayut Chatakan


This research have a purpose To 1) Study the Ethical Leadership of personnel management under Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area Office 2) To study the effectiveness of personnel administration of educational institutions under Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area Office 3  3) To study the ethical leadership of executives that affects the effectiveness of personnel management of educational institutions under Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 4)To study guidelines for developing ethical leadership among school administrators under Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area Office  5) And to study guidelines for developing ethical leadership among administrators that affect the effectiveness of personnel management in educational institutions under Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. The research results found that; 1) Ethical leadership of educational institution administrators under Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. Overall, it is at the highest level, when considering each aspect it was found that the side with the highest average was good citizenship and the aspect with the lowest average was respect. 2) Effectiveness of personnel management of educational institutions under Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. Overall, it is at the highest level, when considering each aspect. It was found that the side with the highest average was personnel planning and positioning and maintaining discipline and leaving government service and the side with the lowest average recruitment and appointment of personnel recruitment and appointment of personnel.  3) Ethical leadership of executives that affects the effectiveness of personnel management of educational institutions under Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. Overall there is a very high level of relationship. 4) Guidelines for developing ethical leadership for educational institution administrators under Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area Office 3, found that; executives should study and gain knowledge about various rules, regulations, and regulations related to management. Motivational influence behavior. Convince others to follow with willingness and trust. Behavior, actions and communication. To gain acceptance and faith from those involved. Taking into account the success in achieving the goals of the educational institution.

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