Flipping English Classrooms as Learning in the 21st century

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Apapan Ruengkul
Saowaros Jaiprasong


In the digital era, the world is getting more complex, and technology becomes a tool playing an important role and having an impact on all aspects of people’s lives including the field of education. Therefore, to promote students to be ready and survive in society, the teaching method should be taken into account. It is clear that a traditional way of teaching or teacher-centered learning emphasizing teaching language from the textbook with rote memorization may not be an appropriate way to teach students who are digital natives, native speakers of technology, and fluent in the digital language of computers, video games, video cams, cell phones, the Internet as well as all the other tools of the digital age. Instead, students should be encouraged to learn knowledge of subjects and develop necessary skills in the 21st century such as life skills, learning skills, and technology skills in order. To build students to learn more effectively, time in the classroom should be spent meaningfully. Students should be allowed to think, discuss, and present their ideas to others. Therefore, this article aims to provide the background and information of the flipped classroom in order to foster characteristics of 21st-century learners.

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How to Cite
Ruengkul, A., & Jaiprasong, S. (2021). Flipping English Classrooms as Learning in the 21st century. Manutsat Paritat: Journal of Humanities, 43(1), 29–48. https://doi.org/10.1016/manutparitat.v43i1.246802
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