Psychological Factors and Social Factors Related to Resilience from Cyber Bullying Among Senior High School Students

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Jittima Deephan
Jittraporn Baorang
Tittaya Samsee
Natthiranat Binrat
Thichakorn Kulpipatrat
Teerachon Polyota
Pinyapan Piasai


This research aims to 1)  study the correlation of psychological factors which are self esteem and optimism  and social factors which are social support from family, school and friends that relate to resilience from cyber bullying, and 2) study power of prediction of psychological factors and social factors to resilience from cyber bullying among senior high school students. The research samples include three hundred students in senior high school. This study employs Stratified Random Sampling and the instrument for collecting data are rating scales that consist of six questionnaires which are self esteem questionnaire, optimism questionnaire, social support from family, school and friends questionnaire and resilience from cyber bullying questionnaire. The data analysis uses the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and Enter Multiple Regression Analysis, the result of this study are as follows;

1) There were positive and statistically significant relationships of .01 level between every independent variable and dependent variable. 2) Psychological factors and social factor predicted resilience from cyber bullying of senior high school students at  46.8 % with a statistical significant of .05 level and the important factors were  self esteem, optimism, social support from friends and family. 

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How to Cite
Deephan, J., Baorang, J., Samsee, T., Binrat, N. ., Kulpipatrat, T. ., Polyota, T. ., & Piasai, P. . (2021). Psychological Factors and Social Factors Related to Resilience from Cyber Bullying Among Senior High School Students. Manutsat Paritat: Journal of Humanities, 43(1), 92–110.
Research Articles


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