Psychological Experience Of Trainee Counselors With Compassion Fatigue
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The principle aim of this qualitative research is to explore Psychological Experience Of Trainee Counselors With Compassion Fatigue. The data were collected via semi-structured in-depth interviews and analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The participants in this research included seven trainee counselors with compassion fatigue. The findings were grouped into three main themes below:
1) Factors that cause Compassion Fatigue. This also client participation, Skill and experience and Self-management and service
2) Effect of Compassion Fatigue. This also decreased efficiency in daily life and difficulty showing empathy.
3) Dealing with Compassion Fatigue. This also self-care and support from surrounding communities.
The results of this research were done to provide information to Trainee Counselors who have or experienced compassion fatigue or those who involved.
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