The Concept of Patriarchy in South Korean Movies and TV Shows

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Titiwat Angkula
Pusita Tantithampusit


The purpose of this research was to analyze the concept of patriarchy in South Korean movies and TV shows. The data were gathered from the two South Korean movies and the five TV shows. The two movies were Kim Ji young: Born 1982 and Samjin Company English Class. The five TV shows included Hymn of Death (2 episodes), 18 Again (16 episodes), SKY Castle (20 episodes), Strong Woman Do Bongsoon (16 episodes), and MY ID is Gangnam Beauty (16 episodes). They were aired through Netflix and Viu platforms. The findings revealed the reflection of patriarchy through gender discrimination, which could be found more frequently at 57.70 %, followed by gender stereotypes at 23.07 %.  Exercising the patriarch’s power was found the least at 19.23 %. The findings reflect violent behaviors in contemporary South Korean society which could be a negative effect of the belief and value in patriarchy. 

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Angkula, T., & Tantithampusit, P. (2022). The Concept of Patriarchy in South Korean Movies and TV Shows . Manutsat Paritat: Journal of Humanities, 44(2).
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