A Review of Studies in Heart or Jai Metaphor in Thai Language

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Wichaya Bovonwiwat


This paper primarily aims to gather and review the conceptual metaphor studies of the term “heart” or “jai” (ใจ) in Thai. Also, some other semantic studies of the word “heart” or “jai” in Thai are included in this review article. Although the metaphor research of “jai” or “ใจ” in Thai is not much found, the results of those heart metaphor studies yield significant results of how Thai natives view and understand the word “heart” or “jai.” The metaphors of the word “jai” can be categorized into four major groups: (1) HEART AS PERSON/HUMAN; (2) HEART AS OBJECT; (3) HEART AS SPACE; (4) HEART AS CONTAINER. To conclude, this organ term “jai” attached to an abundant number of phrases spoken daily plays an important role in communication in Thai, which reflects the native speakers’ perspectives on the heart. 

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How to Cite
Bovonwiwat, W. (2023). A Review of Studies in Heart or Jai Metaphor in Thai Language. Manutsat Paritat: Journal of Humanities, 45(2), 68–85. https://doi.org/10.1016/manutparitat.v45i2.266644
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