The Concept Development of Costume Design for Choreography


  • ขนิษฐา บุตรไชย


The Design; Costume; Choreography


The research purposes are 1) to study the principles and concepts of costume design for the choreography called "Poj Nia Noj Pae Jao" and 2) to develop a costume design process for students who design and create a costume for choreography. The conceptual framework applied in the study has organized the costume design process to show the main idea clearly in each performance. A sample group in this research was five fourth-year students in the Dance and Dramatic Art Department in 2017. The study methods were mainly qualitative research, collecting data from documents and articles, using open-ended questionnaires, interviews, participant observation, note-taking, and experimentation in creative works. Finally, descriptive analysis methods were used for the evaluation and conclusion of the study. The study results indicated that the student group was able to design and create costumes for the choreography of "Poj Nia Noj Pae Jao" that reflected the main idea of the performance from the colourful costumes to show a delightful sense in the Hmong New Year tradition. Through the material structure of the Hmong embroidery fabric and silver metal ornaments which were unique to the Hmong people, from the concept of costume design for Thai and Western drama performances combined with the creative student development process. Furthermore, this concept could also be used as a guideline for developing the process of designing and creating costumes for choreography in the identical style.


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