Teaching Methods of Legendary Classical Vocal Pedagogues


  • ศิรารัตน์ สุขชัย ภาควิชาธุรกิจดนตรี คณะดนตรี มหาวิทยาลัยอัสสัมชัญ
  • วรเขต ทะโกษา School of Music, Assumption University


Teaching Method, Vocal Pedagogy


This article is aimed to present the short biographies, teaching methods, and conceptual ideas of the legendary classical vocal pedagogues Nicola Vaccai, Mathilde Marchesi, and Lotte Lehmann. The three vocal pedagogues who expert in classical singing, drama and also published books and vocal exercises which are currently worldwide using in the vocal lessons. The three pedagogues have clearly presented the similarity of their teaching method emphasizing singer and vocal student to understand themselves and their music. Vaccai and Marchesi focusing on the step by step training from easy to difficult level. Besides, Lemann has concentrated on the understanding of music, the analytical skill, the interpretation skill, the connection of singer and music, and the contexts. The pedagogues’ perspective has reflected the important concepts that singer has to be concerned for successful singing career included the self-understanding, the endeavor, and the mindfulness.


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3. Battaglia, Elio. Vaccaj Metodo Practico Di Canto. Milano: Casa Ricordi, 1998.

4. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. “Marchesi de Castrone, Mathilde.” Accessed November 20, 2016. https://global.britannica.com/biography/Mathilde-Marchesi-deCastrone? oasmId=136636.

5. Hickling, Gary. “Lehmann Photos.” Accessed November 20, 2016. https://lottelehmannleague.org/recital-portrait/images-1/.

6. Jacobson, Dan. “Lotte Lehmann Biography.” Accessed January 30, 2017. https://lottelehmannleague.org/lotte-lehmann/.

7. Lehmann, Lotte. MORE THAN SINING: The Interpretation of Songs. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1985. Marchesi, Mathilde.

8. Bel Canto: A Theoretical & Practical Vocal Method. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1970.

9. Opera Europa. “History: Four centuries of opera.” Accessed January 21, 2017. https://www.opera-europa.org/en/opera-resources/history. Wikipedia.

10. “Nicola Vaccai.” Accessed November 20, 2016. https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Giulietta_e_Romeo_(Vaccai)#/media/File:Nicola_Vaccai.jpg.




How to Cite

สุขชัย ศิรารัตน์, and ทะโกษา วรเขต. 2018. “Teaching Methods of Legendary Classical Vocal Pedagogues”. Rangsit Music Journal 13 (1):105-18. https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rmj/article/view/126393.



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