The 8 Memorable Portraits for Modern Jazz


  • เจตนิพิฐ สังข์วิจิตร Conservatory of Music, Rangsit University


Jazz Ensemble, Modern Jazz, Jazz


The creative research of the 8 Memorable Portraits for Modern Jazz has been inspired by 8 inspiring and impressive of the Former Music Conservatory of Rangsit University at Building 10th the former office of the Conservatory of Music before moving to Suryadhep Music Sala . The content of this research was divided into three parts: music composition analysis, music performance approach, and improvisation approach. For the music composition analysis, the melody obtained its concepts from various jazz genres such as hard bop, modal jazz, and fusion jazz which created its style as intended by the composer. For the harmony, the composer took important traits of various jazz forms to create the chord progressions. Some examples of these are second chords, fifth chords, symmetric chord progressions, and three-note groupings


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How to Cite

สังข์วิจิตร เจตนิพิฐ. 2018. “The 8 Memorable Portraits for Modern Jazz”. Rangsit Music Journal 12 (2):43-58.



Research Article