The Need of Adult Students in Studying Piano: A Case Study KPN Music Academy


  • ชมพูนุท ศิลวัฒนาวงศ์


This research have its purpose to study the adult’s need for studying piano. The study is a Qualitative Research that used interviewing in gathering data method with adult students from the age range of 25-40 who are now studying piano at the KPN institute particularly in Bangkok and its region. With 10 students participated in the research for study the need of learning piano in different styles. The result of the study shown that the adult students are studying music from their own need. Partly are from their interest in learning piano from the past. Which resulted in the student positive feeling toward piano, adore in its sound and the playing posture. All of participate students have never performed a music concert before. Most of them were only listening to the music. Which individually go for their own favor styles. All of the adult students are very concern about their teacher. They are looking forward to find the right person who can teach them what they expected, easy teaching method and understanding student with preferred lesson books. But they also expected to learn the songs that they are familiar with. The adult students are feeling trusted toward the institute they applied for. They will also choose the branch that is easy for their transportation. All of the students never plan to achieve the training part. They also did not have their study goal but to study for their own amusement, pleasure, meditation practicing, and relaxation and to create benefit for both themselves and the others.


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How to Cite

ศิลวัฒนาวงศ์ ชมพูนุท. 2018. “The Need of Adult Students in Studying Piano: A Case Study KPN Music Academy”. Rangsit Music Journal 11 (2):37-48.



Research Article