Operatic “Symphony Mahajanaka”


  • รุจิภาส ภูธนัญนฤภัทร Western Music Program, Chandrakasem Rajabhat University


The Operatic Symphony “Mahajanaka” is the creative work of music and dramatic art inspired by His Majesty The King’s Buddhistic literature under the same title. The modern operatic dance combined with the musical production has aimed to pay tribute to the King in his six circles, 84th year celebrated anniversary in the year 2011. His majesty the king's minor modified version of the story in 1988 has expressed the ultimate perseverance without the desire of great reward of the heroic idol “Mahajanaka Jataka” whereby the dramatically musical composition has been formatted in programmatic approach. The well crafted orchestral design combined the Thai Traditional Ensemble, Electronic Music, Choir, Western Orchestra and 4 solo singers within the 50 minutes duration of performance. Besides, the melodic structural beauty, the newly invented chords and harmonic progression, the heterophonic texture and kaleidoscopically color of sound are purposely enhanced as the highlight of the work. Moreover, the integrated compositional techniques were utilized and transformed wisely into this masterpiece, for example; the quotation, drone, fragmentation, retrograde as well as the transformation of keys and motivic motif.  The Operatic Symphony “Mahajanaka” is the contemporary music composition which shown the new horizon of influential motivation of Thai Music to the world of globalization.


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How to Cite

ภูธนัญนฤภัทร รุจิภาส. 2018. “Operatic ‘Symphony Mahajanaka’”. Rangsit Music Journal 11 (2):95-112. https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rmj/article/view/126867.



Research Article