The Indigenous Knowledge of Music : Inheritance and Preservation of Seven Ethnic Groups in Wawee Sub-district, Mae Suai District, Chiang Rai Province


  • อดิวัชร์ พนาพงศ์ไพศาล สาขาวิชาดนตรี สำนักวิชาสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเชียงราย


Indigenous Knowledge of Music, Ethnic, Ethnic Music, Inheritance and Preservation


This research aimed to explore the musical indigenous knowledge, propagation method, problem and guideline of musical indigenous knowledge conservation and inheritance of seven ethnic groups in Wawee sub-district, Mae Suai district, Chiang Rai province. The population were 43 people of musicians, experts and community leaders. Research instruments were observation form, in-depth interview form and content analysis. The finding revealed that seven ethnic groups had string, woodwind, and percussion instruments. Only Akha, Chinese Yunnan, and Lishu groups have made the musical instrument. Moreover, most songs were monody style with short monophonic texture and loop repetitions. Also, drone was discovered in a harmony. The music associated with their lifestyles, and was used for the rites and entertainment. Self-directed learning with trial and error, and oral succession were used as the propagation methods.  The problem was the incorrect melody. Since there were unwritten information, the experts could recognized the melody inaccurately. There were various guidelines of musical indigenous knowledge conservation and inheritance for ethnic groups. Lahu and Lishu have been provided the conservation projects and music teaching for the youth. Tai Yai was promoted the musical activities progressively. Akha planned to develop cultural square to be the art and cultural learning area. However, Keren, Chinese Yunnan and Mien groups had not been implemented any operation because of a lack of people who were interested in the indigenous inheritance.


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How to Cite

พนาพงศ์ไพศาล อดิวัชร์. 2018. “The Indigenous Knowledge of Music : Inheritance and Preservation of Seven Ethnic Groups in Wawee Sub-District, Mae Suai District, Chiang Rai Province”. Rangsit Music Journal 13 (2):73-88.



Research Article