Glon for Ensemble, Chorus and Electronics: Pitches and Rhythmic organizations


  • บุญรัตน์ ศิริรัตนพันธ วิทยาลัยดนตรี มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต
  • วิบูลย์ ตระกูลฮุ้น Conservatory of Music, Rangsit University


Glon, Contemporary Music, Chorus, Electronics


The composition Glon for ensemble, chorus and electronics is an original contemporary classical music. It was composed as a creative work which blends Thai elements, the western music and electronic sounds together. The piece was created via techniques which combining the concept of automated music especially Integral Serialism and self-repetition with sonorities of Thai words and prosody. Glon matched elements of words in “Glon”, a kind of Thai prosody, with music elements in western practice based on Integral Serialism techniques as well as usages of the Spiral Row which is an unconventional way of 12 tones serialism implementation. Then the sounds of acoustic instrument and chorus are expanded by electronics. After preliminary processes of collecting musical materials and structural planning, the piece was developed then combined all these elements together. The outcome is a piece of music which has varieties in rhythms, melodies, harmonies and timbres. Furthermore, the work also yields interesting structure and musical aesthetic. However, this composition is highly challenged for musician. It is a demanding work for both performance practice and arrangement which requires adequate rehearsals and an efficient preparation.

Author Biography

บุญรัตน์ ศิริรัตนพันธ, วิทยาลัยดนตรี มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต

นักศึกษาปริญญาโท สาขาดุริยางคศาสตร์มหาบัณฑิต มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต

นศ.บ. (ภาพยนตร์และภาพนิ่ง) จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย


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How to Cite

ศิริรัตนพันธ บุญรัตน์, and ตระกูลฮุ้น วิบูลย์. 2019. “Glon for Ensemble, Chorus and Electronics: Pitches and Rhythmic Organizations”. Rangsit Music Journal 14 (1):97-111.



Research Article