Themes of Sor Pa Ma for String Ensemble


  • ธภัฎ สังข์วิจิตร Chiangrai Rajabhat University


Sor Pa Ma, String Quartet, Folk Music


“The Composition of ‘Sor Pa Ma’ Themes for String Ensemble” is a research project whose purpose is aiming to recreate an old traditional piece of music for contemporary listeners. Loosely based and inspired by the old theme called Sor Pa Ma, the songs were rearranged and composed mainly not for a conservational purpose but public performance. The outputs comprise of two pieces. The first one is ‘Change.’ It is served as an artistic demonstration of the metaphorical notion of transformation and diversity. The second is ‘Reflection.’ Its uniqueness lies on the fact that its concept of composition is based on the original theme’s rhyme. These two songs last for 9 minutes. They had been performed for public audiences at the panel of the 1st National Conference on Musicology and Visual Arts, held in Rajabhat Chiangrai University on the 21st and 22nd December 2018.

Author Biography

ธภัฎ สังข์วิจิตร, Chiangrai Rajabhat University

ศศ.ม. (ดุริยศิลป์) มหาวิทยาลัยพายัพ

บธ.บ. (การจัดการการท่องเที่ยวและอุตสาหกรรมการบริการ) มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต


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How to Cite

สังข์วิจิตร ธภัฎ. 2019. “Themes of Sor Pa Ma for String Ensemble”. Rangsit Music Journal 14 (2):59-74.



Research Article