The Choices of Gen Y and Gen Z Consumers for Channels Used when Listening to Thai Pop Song in Bangkok


  • Mansuang Surangkaratana วิทยาลัยดนตรี มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต
  • Paiboon Kachentaraphan Communication Arts, Sukhothai Thammatirat Open University
  • Theerarux Photisuvan Communication Arts, Sukhothai Thammatirat Open University


Choices for channels used when listening to Thai pop songs, Gen Y, Gen Z


        The objectives of this research were 1) to study consumer choices for channels used when listening to Thai pop songs, 2) to study consumer behavior of listening to Thai pop songs, and 3) to compare demographic characteristics and consumer choices for channels used when listening to Thai pop songs. The sample of this study was Gen Y and Gen Z consumers in Bangkok. The results of this research indicated that most of the respondents chose to listen to Thai pop songs via Internet-based channel. The sample strongly agreed with remembrance of the channel. An aspect with the highest level of agreement was “Ease of use of the channel leads to easy remembrance”. 2) Most of the respondents listened to Thai pop songs more than three times per day. They spend 1-2 hours daily to listening to Thai pop songs. They chose to listen to Thai pop songs via Youtube. 3) Gender, age, and monthly income influenced different consumer choices for channels used when listening to Thai pop songs with a statistical significance level of 0.05.


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How to Cite

Surangkaratana, Mansuang, Paiboon Kachentaraphan, and Theerarux Photisuvan. 2020. “The Choices of Gen Y and Gen Z Consumers for Channels Used When Listening to Thai Pop Song in Bangkok”. Rangsit Music Journal 15 (2):126-37.



Research Article