A Study of Music Center Management in Assumption College Thonburi


  • Thananat Kansai โรงเรียนอัสสัมชัญธนบุรี
  • Anurak Boonjae College of Music, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University
  • Panang Parnchuai College of Music, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University


Management, Music Center, Assumption College Thonburi


            The purpose of this research was the study the administration of the music center at Assumption College Thonburi. The research method included interviews which were compared with 7-S McKinsey theory. This is criteria for the creating tools and literature related to management. Data was obtained. music center administrators and a group of personnel working at the music center. 12 people total. A narration is given to summarize findings.

            Research results show that the music center at Assumption College Thonburi is an efficiency organization. It contains a strong structure of management, well organized department such as education administrator department, education service and support, and music activities service and support. music center objective has been design according to Assumption Thonburi School’s vision and objective, focus on child center based learning. music center contains systematic and collaborative structure resulting in achieves many successful missions. However, insufficient Instrumental Instructor still a main issue that music center has to find a capability solutions.


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How to Cite

Kansai , Thananat, Anurak Boonjae, and Panang Parnchuai. 2021. “A Study of Music Center Management in Assumption College Thonburi”. Rangsit Music Journal 16 (1):30-44. https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rmj/article/view/234723.



Research Article