String Orchestra and Flute: Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Thailand and Korea Diplomatic Relations


  • Wiboon Trakulhun Conservatory of Music, Rangsit University


String Orchestra, Korean Music, Kangkaw Kin Kluay, Thai Rhythmic Pattern


         Musical composition “String Orchestra and Flute” composed to celebrate the Korea-Thailand sixtieth anniversary of the diplomatic relations. The composition conveys different cultural aspects of the two countries. Compositional materials are based on Thai rhythmic pattern, Thai melody—Kangkaw Kin Kluay—and Korean musical modes, especially P’yŏngjo, Kyemyŏnjo, and Oeumgae (Five Notes System). The main motive is a collection of E, F, and A or set of (015) derived from 60th anniversary. This neotonal composition comprised motivic development, variation in fragmentation, and quartal/quintal chord.


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How to Cite

Trakulhun, Wiboon. 2020. “String Orchestra and Flute: Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Thailand and Korea Diplomatic Relations”. Rangsit Music Journal 15 (1):87-101.



Research Article