Bringing the Eastern Folk Performing Arts Knowledge Lesson to the Database for Lifelong Learning: A Case study of Folk Performance of Lampa Song Company of Wat Bang Prue, Trad Province


  • Ronnachai Rattanaseth Faculty of Music and Performing Arts, Burapha University
  • Pimonpun Lertlam Faculty of Music and Performing Arts, Burapha University
  • Pitak Sootanan Faculty of Science, Burapha University


Knowledge Lesson, Lampa song, Eastern Folk Performing


           The purposes of this qualitative research were to build a database of the history of community’s development and lifestyle, including history, community’s lifestyle and linkage and to gather knowledge of folk performance: A Case study of folk performance of Lampa song Company of Wat Bang Prue, Trad Province. The results revealed that;

            Case study: folk performance of Lampa song company of Wat Bang Prue, showed that there were Lampa song company of each temple to play Lampa song’s performance in Huai Rang district. The duty of Lampa song companies was to request the donation from people for making merit at the temple in the village during Songkran festival. The Lampa song company of Wat Bang Prue played on April 14 in every year. They walked and sang for donation from 6.00 PM of April 14 till 6.00 AM of April 15. Everything was brought to make merit for carrying sand to the temple. Therefore, the Lampa song’s folk performance was the linkage between community and lifestyle to maintain Buddhist mission by the volunteers who established and inherited to the next generation till now. However, the knowledge of singing was not inherited seriously, it was inherited in the way of participation and remembering the method. The song was divided into 3 parts; singing for warning, singing for request and singing for saying goodbye and blessing. The Lampa song company of Wat Bang Prue has still inherited the song in Songkran festival till present.


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How to Cite

Rattanaseth, Ronnachai, Pimonpun Lertlam, and Pitak Sootanan. 2022. “Bringing the Eastern Folk Performing Arts Knowledge Lesson to the Database for Lifelong Learning: A Case Study of Folk Performance of Lampa Song Company of Wat Bang Prue, Trad Province”. Rangsit Music Journal 17 (1):104-20.



Research Article