The Analysis of Brazilian Music Characteristics in the “Valsa de Esquina No.8” by Francisco Mignone


  • Paulo Ricardo Soares Zereu School of Music, Assumption University


Waltz, Brazilian waltz, Francisco Mignone, Brazilian Culture


The aim of this research is to identify the socio-cultural factors that affected the waltz in Brazil, as well as to specify the features, distinguishing characteristics, and musical meaning that inspired the creation and national significance of the Brazilian Waltz. The freedom of expression and interpretation of the Brazilian Waltz is achieved through the development of a study from the perspective of the hermeneutics of musical meaning and the relational cultural environment. Francisco Mignone excelled at the development of 61 waltzes for which his urban-themed, nationalistic-based works mirrored the early decades of the twentieth century as one of the most known second-generation Brazilian nationalist composers. The prolific nature of Francisco Mignone's waltzes unquestionably merits the moniker 'King of Waltz,' and lends credence to this astonishing claim and also provides piano students and pianists insight into the specific technical and musical challenges and to include a musically satisfying holistic pianistic interpretation in Brazilian Waltz.


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Schreiner, Claus. Música Brasileira: A History of Popular Music and the People of Brazil. New York: Marion Boyars, 1993.

Vasconcelos, Ari. Raízes da Música Popular Brasileira. Brazil, 1991.




How to Cite

Soares Zereu, Paulo Ricardo. 2023. “The Analysis of Brazilian Music Characteristics in the ‘Valsa De Esquina No.8’ by Francisco Mignone”. Rangsit Music Journal 18 (2):147-60.



Research Article