Donald J. Trump’s Space Force: History, Feasibility under International Laws’ Restrictions, and Impact on Kingdom of Thailand and Adaptation Measures


  • Kijjaphat Kesiranon Chaina University


Space force, International law, Space security, Space weapon, Outer space


On June 18, 2018, at the National Space Council, the U.S. President, Donald J. Trump, declared “We are going to have the air force and we are going to have the space force – separate but equal,” stating that the Space Force would be the sixth branch of the armed forces to shore up American dominance in outer space. He also asked General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to carry out this tremendous assignment. (David Smith, 2018) การอ้างอิงไม่ปรากฏข้อมูลในบรรณานุกรม รูปแบบ (Surname, Date, p.) Such declaration sounds imaginary, and is in merely scientific fiction. Whereas, in fact, in 1983, the United States of America, by Ronald Wilson Reagan, the U.S. President at the time, has declared Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) project which aimed at developing of space-based missiles and space-based laser in order to protect the America from massive nuclear attacks, including Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) (U.S. Department of State, n.d.; Crowley, n.d.) การอ้างอิงไม่ปรากฏในบรรณานุกรม รูปแบบ (Surname, Date, p.) Many futuristic weapon technologies were developed under this project.

This article was written up on purposes of telling the history of developing of
U.S.A.’s space weapons which is not brand-new idea, analyzing the propensity of
space force’s form under international laws’ restrictions, and analyzing the impacts
on Kingdom of Thailand, including the way to deal with this situation.


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