People’s Satisfaction towards the Management of the Public Service of the Cremation Funds for Women and Men of Tha Yang District, Phetchaburi Province


  • Thongbai Dhiranandankura Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Karuna Mathulaprangsan Mahamakut Buddhist University


Sastisfaction, Mangement, Cremation Service


The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) to study people’s satisfaction towards the management of the public service of the Cremation Funds for Men and Women of Tha Yang District, Phetchaburi Province, 2) to compare people’s satisfaction towards the operation of the funds, classified according to gender, age, level of education, occupation, monthly income, marital status, and membership status, and 3) to study the suggestions for an improvement on the fund management. It was a survey research. The sample group was 394 out of total 26,143 members of the funds, which was sized by Taro Yamane’s formula and the simple random sampling was applied. Two types of statistics were focused: descriptive statistics using frequency, percentage, means as well as standard deviation, and inferential statistics using T-test or One-Way ANOVA test. If differentiation was found, it was tested in a pair by mean of Scheffe’ and analyzed by statistic package. The results of the research were found as follows: 1) People’s satisfaction towards the supervision of the funds was at a high level in all aspects. 2) The results of hypothesis-test were found that the members with different occupation and monthly income had satisfaction towards the services in all aspects differently with the statistically significant average of 0.05, but the ones with different gender, age, level of education, marital status, and length of membership had satisfaction towards the services in all aspects indifferently. 3) The members suggested some solutions to the problems : (1) as for the aspect of the staff and personnel giving the services, they should be increased in number and should be trained to work fast, correctly, responsibly and honestly; (2) as for the aspect of the process and procedures of the services, there should be a notice board for indicating the various steps of the services; (3) as for the aspect of the facility, the area of the office which was small should be expanded; (4) as for the aspect of the rules and regulations, the fee for new membership was very high and thus should be reduced and it was also suggested that there should be one-time payment for the members.


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Research Article