The Education Administration for Naval Cadets on 21st Century Needed Skills


  • Santi Ngamsert Royal Thai Naval Academy


cognitive skills, performance skills, social skills


This academic article aims to introduce educational administration for naval cadets in terms of essential skills for the 21st century. The article consists of 6 chapters: Chapter 1: Learner’s Skills for the 21st Century; Chapter 2: Education Guidelines for the Royal Thai Naval Academy: This chapter deals with adopting Bartlett Model and SWOT Analysis in order to draw up the guidelines for educational administration of the Royal Thai Naval Academy; Chapter 3: Expected Outcome: This chapter is an analysis of the Royal Thai Naval Academy educational administration environments that leads to an establishment of goals in order to respond to the needs of the 21st century; Chapter 4: Environments and Affecting Factors of the Production of the Naval Cadets: This chapter analyses weaknesses, strengths, and development opportunities of the naval cadets; Chapter 5: Educational Administration to Prepare the Naval Cadets for the 21st Century: This Chapter focuses on essential skills, basic knowledge of skill development and the Royal Thai Naval Academy’s educational administration ,i.e., 1) establishment of goals (Ends): cognitive skills, performance skills, and social skills, 2) methods of education (Ways): teacher development and educational administration, and 3) means of education (Means): the Royal Thai Naval Academy’s curriculum; and Chapter 6: Conclusion.


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Academic Article