The Follow-up Evaluation of Navy Officers Who Graduated from The Royal Thai Naval Academy in The Academic Year 2012


  • Santi Ngamsert


The Follow-up Evaluation, Junior Officers.


The purposes of this research were 1) to evaluate commanders’ satisfaction in the quality of junior officers who graduated from the Royal Thai Naval Academy in 2012 2) to examine how well the RTNA curriculum and the Graduate Diploma curriculum prepare junior officers for their jobs. 3) to evaluate these officers’ satisfaction of their own performance. 4) to find the guidelines for future improvement of the RTNA’s education and training system. Descriptive research methodologies were implemented to this research. The population was 43 junior officers who graduated in 2012 and their respective commanders. The response rate was 81.40% and 79.07% respectively. Data was collected by using two online questionnaires (for junior officers and their commanders). The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The major findings of the study were: 1. Each individual junior officer’s competency level was evaluated as good or higher by his commander. Commanders were highly satisfied with the junior officers’ overall performance. Also, the junior officers themselves were highly satisfied with their own performance. 2. In general, the officers indicated that they were able to apply their knowledge gained from the RTNA to their work at the high level. 3. In general, the officers had high satisfaction of their own performance. Most issues surveyed gained high level of satisfaction. However, the top two issues, with which the officers were very highly satisfied, were their commanders and their current positions. 4. The commanders offered the following suggestions for future improvement: 4.1 Instill in naval cadets skills on instructing, presenting, briefing and applying technology to their jobs. 4.2 Develop naval cadets’ English skills, especially speaking. 4.3 Emphasize training that develops naval professional skills. 4.4 Develop analytical thinking in all naval cadets. 4.5 Develop leadership qualities such as responsibility, perseverance and pride to be in the Thai Navy. 5. The junior officers suggested that the RTNA put more focus on two subjects, namely Official Correspondence Writing and Document Flow System.


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