The Analytical Study of the Categorization of the Five Niyama


  • Somkiet Chaiyapoom


the Analytical Study, the Five Niyama


This article is to summarize the thematic which title is The Analytical Study of Dhamma Niyama. This research is a qualitative study, focused on the documentary studies, mainly in the Tipitaka, the relating documentaries and the Buddhist scholars’ works. All the data are classified into the system, concluded and presented in the descriptive analysis. The results of the research are found that the Five Niyamas appearing in the Atthakata of Mahapatthanasutta which are the outcomes of the categorizing of the Dhamma Niyama are as follows: (1) Utu Niyama is the natural law of non-living matter. (2) Bija Niyama is the law of living material (3) Citta Niyama is the law of mental activity. (4) Kamma is the law of moral causation and (5) Dhamma Niyama is of several meanings. It is often used to refer to the Buddha’s teachings concerning the manifestation of reality or the nature of existence. The Dhamma Niyama from this categorization was defined as the seven Buddhas’ emergences in the same pattern in order to worship them in the researcher’s interpretation. So, the method of this interpretation is different from the present Buddhist Scholars who interpret the minor Dhamma Niyama with the same meanings as the big original Dhamma Niyama.


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Research Article