Dharma and Lifestyle In Thailand 4.0


  • Mongkol Thumvithan Mahamakut Buddhist University


Buddhist Practice, Thailand 4.0


Buddhism emphasizes the development of life in the right way or in the path of Dharma. It is paired with the principle of “Sikkha” which means to train or practice. It is also called education which is the practice of life in a righteous way. Education is a way of life or to train people to have a good lifestyle. Buddhism uses the terms of practice and development. As the development of life is education itself, so education is the development of life to live a good life. As long as life is not perfect, still defective, full of suffering, and has a problem, it is necessary to develop a life or to have a lifelong education until it reaches its destination; that is to live happily in a society that has changed in culture and In businesslike aspects of working and learning.


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พระไตรปิฎก ภาษาไทย ฉบับมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย. (2539). หมวดอภิธัมมปิฎก ธาตุกถา เล่มที่ 34 ข้อที่ 54 หน้าที่ 36.

พระไตรปิฎก ภาษาไทย ฉบับมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย. (2539). หมวดอภิธัมมปิฎก ธาตุกถา เล่มที่ 34 ข้อที่ 55 หน้าที่ 37.

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