Project Evaluation for development of Royal Thai Naval Cadet in relation to clean navy policy Year 2019 by Using CIPP Model


  • Anuchar Muangyai Royal Thai Naval Academy
  • Sittisak Aranyapala Royal Thai Naval Academy
  • Thawatchai Thianboonsong Royal Thai Naval Academy
  • Nattakit Karnsomwan Royal Thai Naval Academy


Clean Navy Policy, Development of Royal Thai Naval Cadet, Project Evaluation


The research and evaluation of "guidelines for the development of Royal Thai Naval cadets in accordance with the Clean Navy Policy" project is implemented in accordance with the " Clean Navy Policy" to respond to the administration of the Navy with transparency, which also achieving and responding to government policies. The research objective is to create a good example of Royal Thai Naval Cadets to the society who can apply knowledge and intelligence to develop society as well as to develop body and mind to be strong, and to be a leader for society. They will maintain the their honor and dignity on the basis of correctness to social convention. The method of research study is done by monitoring and evaluating of activities: there are 6 activities in total on various missions. The sample population is a group of Royal Thai Naval Cadets participating in the said project activities. The researcher conducted the data analysis by using Daniel Z strand beam CIPP Model. Our aim is to assess 4 things as follows: 1. Context: to develop the purpose of the project, 2. Input: for project design, 3. Process: to assess the process of operation according to the project, and 4. Product: to assess the achievement of the project. The results of this research give the cadet knowledge and understanding about leadership principles in community and society development as well as building confidence in leadership as a role for communities and society, which is considered to create responsibility to themselves, to the society, and to the nation. They will learn to sacrifice, to be a giver, to socialize, and to exchange ideas. Furthermore, they will have to transfer of their knowledge of leadership and their own knowledge in order to develop in a good way as well as creating a working network with the community which collaborates with internal and external unit. The most important aspect of the implementation of the cadets' projects is considered as a guideline to instill in them the honesty "grow up not to cheat"


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