A Result of Utilization English Communicative Training Package for Primary Teachers Levels 4 - 6


  • Pannalin Wathanopas St. John's University
  • Taneenart Na-soontorn St. John's University
  • Chutima Wattanakiri St. John's University


Utilization English Communicative Training Package


The objectives of this research were 1) the effectiveness of the English Communicative Training Package for primary teachers of Grade 4 – 6, and 2) compare the English communicative competency before and after the training. The sample population used in this research consisted of 36 teachers who are teaching in Grade 4 - 6 of Sarasas Witaed KhlongLuang School. The tools used in this research included the English Communicative Training Package and the English Proficiency Test. Tool Quality Testing by using validity and reliability to completed data. The statistics used in data analysis consisted of means, standard deviation, percentage and Pair – sample T-test. The research finding indicates that 1) The efficiency of the training package before and after usage shows that the result of E1/E2 is equal to 80.20/81.48. This means that result of the training package used by the sampling population is higher in efficiency than the specified criteria 80/80 with an average training is at 80.20/81.48 therefore, it can be concluded that the training package has efficiency as the set hypothesis. 2) The results of the comparison of the English communicative competency of the sampling population show that the average score of the English language proficiency test before the training is equal to 41.69 with standard deviation at 3.92 and the average score after training has increased. The means score is at 48.89, standard deviation is 4.56 and t-test score equal 19.84. As the result shows that achievement after testing is higher that before when comparing scores. This indicates that the change of the score is significantly higher statistically at the level .05


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Research Article