Development the teachers potential in the construction of measurement and evaluation tools to develop thinking skills Science Grade 6
Training package, Teacher Development potential, Construction of measurement and evaluation toolsAbstract
The objectives of this research were to study the teacher potential development in the construction of measurement and evaluation tools. To develop thinking Skills Science. Research design was a one- group pre-test/post-test design. Samples were 32 Science teachers in 12th grade at Suratthani Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Research instruments were training package in learning, twenty multiple choice questions, Form for assessing teacher potential in exam construction and assessment form satisfaction with training packages. Data were collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics such as average, percentage, standard deviation. The research findings of the dependent sample t-test analysis indicated that Science teacher obtained post-achievement score statistically higher than the pre- achievement score at significance level of .05. the trainees had the potential to create the test for 82.05 percent, with good quality. And the trainees were satisfied with the education, the average training set was 4.42 at the high level.
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