Lifelong Learning and Transformative Learning with Happiness Development in Royal Thai Navy Organization


  • Ronnayut Kwanmongkol Naval Education Department
  • Archanya Rattana-Ubol Chulalongkorn University


Life-long Learning, Happiness, Transformative Learning


The Royal Thai Navy is an organization dealing with maritime security of Thailand. As international security environment has evolved through time, the Navy must clearly understand and continuously adapt to its changes. To adapt to the changing security environment, the Navy personnel must learn and understand the changing environment through lifelong learning. The result of understanding the changing environment and being able to adapt to it is rewarding. It is happiness in each person and happiness in workplace that is desirable. This article depicts the relationships between lifelong learning of individuals and attainment of happiness in the Navy Organization. How do they relate? The answer is that lifelong learning of the Navy personnel will bring happiness to the Navy because human beings develop themselves through learning, and the purpose of life in society is happiness. Key to this success is to develop the Navy personnel by the process of “Transformative Learning.”


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