A study of the conditions and making recommendations for reading policies into practice of educational institutions affiliated with the office of the Non – formal and informal Education Ubon Ratchathani Province


  • Yutthakarn Suebkeaw Ubon Ratchathani the Non-Formal and Informal education


Reading, Implementing Reading Policies


A study of the conditions is for making recommendations regarding to reading policies which will be implemented for educational institutions affiliated with the office of the Non - formal and informal Education Ubon Ratchathani Province. There are 3 purposes of the study. The first is to study the state and results of reading promotion activities of the District, the second is to analyze the factors affecting to the success of reading policy implementation, and the last is to purpose reading policy to the office of the Non – formal and informal Education Ubon Ratchathani Province. This research is mix method of research. The research population consist of 4 groups which are a non-formal education director, a district office director, district teachers, and 803 students. The three tools for study are questionnaires, structured interview and focus group. The quantitative data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation and percentage. The qualitative data is for content analysis. The results of the research are as follows: 1. Operating conditions for implementing reading policies overall, the result is at the high level. 2. The factors affecting to the success of implementing reading policies into practice are policies, Processes/Methods, Supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation, Support for resources of teacher and personnel activities, Students and community networking partners. 3. The reading policies proposal is as follows: 3.1 For Implementation of the policy, the policy from the higher agency should be clear and concrete. The higher agency should understand the educational institution. The importance of policy implementation should be the first priority. 3.2 An Operational management, budgets and resources should be allocated specifically, be separated from other budgets and be appropriated for the population in each area. 3.3 For personnel management, assigned persons should be responsible for reading policies. Teachers and persons in educational institutions should be assigned to share roles and responsibilities of operations. 3.4 The public relations reading policies, there should be publicity through the media. 3.5 The network parties should clearly understand the reading policies because the network parties can help to analysis, scrutinize, formulate the policies and can help for planning the implementation. This can be accomplished by meeting.


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