Organization of quality assurance information system within basic education institutions Integrate the organization of information system for Integrity and Transparency assessment in the operations of government agencies


  • Dueanpen Ananpattanakul Suratthani Provincial Education Office


Organization of quality assurance information system within basic education, Integrate the organization of information system for Integrity and Transparency Assessment in the operations of government agencies


Since the National Education Act 1999 has entered to force, Thailand’s education has been reformed several times. Every educational reformation aims to improve the quality of education and solve the educational crisis that arises. It can be considered that the education of Thailand has been facing a crisis of modern technology and management. Because of the latest situation with the coronavirus outbreak (COVID - 19), education management has to be adjusted. That requires more information technology involved in our daily life. Similarly, the quality assurance system for educational institutions should be technologically reformed for external assessments from the Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment. For quality assessment outside educational institutions, the Site Visit assessment should be replaced by an information technology system. Alternatively, Automated QA is an information system for supporting the entire external assessment process. For example, the assessor’s performance is from the paper-based EQA to the digital-based EQA. Personally, the researcher as the primary educational agency in the government sector would like to propose the policy which will integrate the organization of quality assurance information system within primary schools. The objective of the purposed policy is to develop the new management that emphasizes quality. The organization of information systems for assessing the moral and transparency of the operations of government agencies (ITA online) helps to solve the crisis of development of information systems. Creation of an organizational quality culture is suitable for the New Normal era.


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